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When MRI malpractice leads to fatality


When MRI malpractice leads to a fatality, what can be done?

This is what we want to understand and be aware of today. When we think about hospitals, we do not pay as much attention to MRI safety or risk reduction strategies.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) testing malpractice is one of the most common medical malpractices. While medical professionals are prone to make mistakes, these malpractices occur far more often than they should.

Legally, you have the right to get compensated if you suffer an injury as a result of a medical professional’s misconduct or negligence. But what happens if you or your loved ones die from such injuries?

MRI is one of the ways through which medical practitioners accurately diagnose a patient so they can offer the right treatment plan. A cursory google search would reveal MRI testing to be safe and risk-free. Unfortunately, we have multiple cases when MRI malpractice leads to fatality.

These fatalities can occur regardless of the type of MRI in question. Some MRI tests that can cause immediate and long-term injury leading to death are heart and blood imaging, brain and spinal cord imaging, joint imaging, and liver and kidney imaging.

Health care providers are responsible for adverse events at times, and serious injuries may occur during MRI scans. If you are looking for assistance with medical malpractice lawsuits, our team of professionals is here to help. Find out how we stay up to par with confidential or sensitive information in our attorney-client relationship and help with the legal assistance you require.

Let us learn more about MRI safety standards and their importance in this day and age.


Reasons for MRI malpractice suits

There are many reasons why you should file an MRI malpractice claim for wrongful death. Some of the instances include:

  • Poorly trained technicians: A poorly trained technician can handle the machine in ways that can cause fatal harm to the patient. They also fail to remove banned objects from the MRI room.
  • Improper test: Testing the wrong body area can cause fatality. For instance, if you have liver damage and are tested for a heart problem, your results might not provide reliable data to help treat yourself. This can lead to death.
  • Misreading of MRI information: Sometimes, the technician handles the MRI machine correctly and scans the right area, yet the patients die due to negligence. This is mainly because the medical professional failed to read the results properly or withheld relevant information that would have saved the patient’s life. There are also cases where medical professionals fail to inform their patients about the right disease.

If you believe that an MRI malpractice caused your loved one’s death, call our team of skilled attorneys to book a free consultation.

If you or your loved ones are near the point of death and you suspect MRI malpractice, it may be in your best interest to give us a call. Even if you die from the MRI malpractice, we can get compensation to help your family survive the financial, physical, and psychological loss.


Medical Negligence May Cause Patients To Die in MRI Chamber

MRI testing is supposed to be a risk-free procedure. However, negligence can cause this seemingly safe procedure into a death trap. How is this possible? Gross medical negligence.

There is a documented case of how an MRI electromagnet pulled an oxygen task into an MRI chamber, killing a six-year-old boy.

Why did this happen? The staffer in the MRI room failed to remove the oxygen tank from the room despite the ban on metal objects from MRI rooms.

In a case such as this, the liability parties are the supervising doctors, MRI staffers, the MRI manufacturer, the MRI administration company, and any other party that may have detected the wrongly placed oxygen tank.

The types of compensation available to the victim’s family include

  • Compensatory damages
  • Damages for pain and suffering
  • Compensation for emotional distress
  • Punitive damages.

Our lawyers have handled cases similar to this and have gotten comprehension for the family of the victims.

The value of human life cannot be fully expressed in monetary tests. Still, the financial compensation will help a family get back on their feet, pay for outstanding medical bills and funeral costs and serve as a warning for other medical practitioners and facilities to avoid negligence in their medical practice.


Failure to correctly interpret MRI can lead to wrongful death.

When patients go to a doctor or any other medical professional, they do so because they trust the professional to diagnose their problem and provide a treatment plan correctly.

It is a sad loss when medical professionals benefit from accurate testing technology like the MRI scan but fails to use it properly. One of such cases is when a doctor fails to interpret an MRI result correctly.

An MRI can take the guesswork out of a medical diagnosis and allow the doctor to develop the right treatment plan.

However, suppose the doctor chooses to ignore or misinterpret the result. In that case, the patient could treat the wrong disease or only one part of their health issue, while the underlying illness will continue to fester and ultimately lead to the victim’s death.

This result is a tragic loss of life that is devastating to the victim’s family.

Some medical practitioners will try to excuse their failure to interpret the result by claiming it was inconclusive. They may fool the general public, but our in-house medical malpractice lawyers, with their vast network of investors and medical experts, can detect when doctors are lazy or negligent. In that case, we will file a wrongful death claim and medical malpractice.

Get help from Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Suppose your loved ones are fatal victims of MRI malpractice. In that case, you need an experienced medical malpractice attorney to make your claim and get your family the compensation they deserve.

When MRI malpractice leads to fatal issues, our malpractice attorneys are here to address your MRI injury and provide you with the legal care you need.

Call us for a free consultation or visit our legal team at our physical location.