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What Information Does My Car Accident Lawyer Need From Me?

Adhering to traffic rules doesn’t guarantee safety on the road. Despite the safety measures on U.S. roads, over 4 million people suffer serious injuries from car accidents annually.

An auto crash is an unpredictable occurrence that can leave you traumatized and confused, and figuring out what to do after such an unfortunate situation can be challenging.

Perhaps you got injured in a car accident; obtaining compensation for damages should be your priority after medical care. And for a solid case, you must be able to provide your lawyer with detailed information to strengthen your car accident claim.

Try to speak with a car accident lawyer while the details of the accident are still fresh in your memory. Even the tiniest detail can have a significant impact on your injury claim.

Hence, this article discusses the required information to feed car accident attorneys following a car accident.

Essential Information Needed for a Personal Injury Claim in Pittsburgh

Police Report

Law enforcers are often among the first responders in an auto accident. Police officers assessing car accident scenes prepare a detailed incident or police report by default, and they can prepare the report on-scene or after leaving.

Your Pittsburgh car accident lawyer will need the information in the police report to prepare a solid claim for your accident case. A typical police report will indicate whether or not a traffic rule was violated and contain the statements of the parties involved, including witnesses.

Request a copy of the incident report and note the details of the officer who developed it. Likewise, obtain the details of the at-fault party and witnesses at the scene.

Medical Report

Not all injuries are visible. You don’t need to suffer a bruise or broken bone to seek medical attention. Some accident victims sustain internal and traumatic brain injuries from severe blows to the head during a collision.

If your claim doesn’t cover injuries, it’ll be too late to file a claim when you discover you suffered severe injuries from the crash.

A detailed medical report shows your injury lawyer the extent of the damage, helping them determine a fair compensation to cover your medical bills and future treatments.

Remember to keep the receipt of all the payments you made for medical care. They’ll come in handy when building your case.

Tickets or Citations Related to the Accident

A Federal Bureau of Investigation report indicates that drunk driving, overspeeding, and distractions like texting are the primary causes of car accidents in the United States.

The at-fault driver would receive traffic tickets if the responding officers could prove one or more of these violations. The tickets are evidence to prove to the insurance company that you were the victim. An experienced car accident lawyer will also confirm the ticket issuance in the police report.

personal injury lawyer, pittsburgh auto accident attorney

Photographs for Evidence

Pictures tell better stories and highlight details more vividly than words. Most Pittsburgh car accident lawyers request pictorial evidence to extract details for your injury claim.

Take enough pictures of the accident scene from different angles. The photographs may present other aspects of the incidents that you or the reporting officer may have missed. Backing your narrative with images will further help your Pittsburgh car accident attorney in his quest to secure you fair compensation.

Statement from Witnesses

In car accident cases, it’s often “my word versus yours.” Expect the at-fault party to say anything to acquit themselves. However, witnesses can give an unbiased account of what happened.

Don’t undermine witness statements, and remember to get the details of every witness in case you need to clarify some information later in the case.

Some witnesses also take photos and videos of car accidents. Try your best to obtain these files, as they can be instrumental in the success of your case.

Estimates of Vehicle Damage

Aside from medical bills, repair expenses are also high costs you’ll incur following a car accident. Fortunately, standard vehicle insurance covers automobile damage.

Your auto insurance company is responsible for paying for your car’s repair if it gets damaged in an accident. Insurance companies can be cunning, and dealing with them can be exhausting.

Consider hiring reputable Pittsburgh car accident attorneys to handle your injury and damage claim. Perhaps you seek a car accident attorney in Pittsburgh; contact J.P. Ward & Associates. We have the finest car accident lawyers, and our legal team is versed in filing injury claims.

Payment Records

Injuries sustained in a car accident might make you unfit for work. Consequently, you will lose wages, which can escalate your financial burdens. But with the right documents, your car accident lawyer can prove the auto crash made you lose money.

Most Pittsburgh car accident attorneys request pay stubs alongside recent tax returns to prove the amount you’ll likely lose if you can’t work. Gather relevant details regarding your pre-injury income and anticipated post-injury wages for your lawyer to estimate lost income.

Should You Hire an Accident Attorney After a Car Crash?

You may not know how daunting and time-consuming a settlement process can be until you attempt it, especially if someone is injured or multiple parties are involved. Depending on the circumstances, it may take months, or even years, before an insurance company pays what they owe you.

However, experienced car accident lawyers know how to navigate the justice system, especially personal injury law, and you stand a better chance of winning your case with a lawyer’s help.

Why Choose J.P. Ward & Associates for Your Auto Accident Claim?

J.P. Ward boasts an experienced team of personal injury lawyers and investigators with vast knowledge of building strong cases for their clients. We do everything we can to ensure our clients get the best possible result and maximum compensation for their claims.

Our legal team interprets the law to your advantage and aggressively negotiates with insurance firms to ensure you’re well compensated.

Understanding and applying personal injury law takes experience and professional knowledge. Contact us today at (412) 426-4878 to get professional assistance regarding your car accident case.