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How do I get a malpractice attorney to take my case?

Medical malpractice cases are not always easy to prove. If a lawyer finds gaps in your case, they will likely walk away. However, winning such cases without legal help can be difficult. Here is how to get lawyers in Pittsburgh,

PA, to take your malpractice case.

Meet the Statute of Limitations

The Pittsburgh Statute of Limitations requires medical malpractice victims to file their cases within 2 years of the medical negligence. You must file your lawsuit within this timeframe to be legible for compensation. Contact our Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawyers as soon as you discover the medical malpractice injuries.

medical malpractice pittsburgh, medical errors, medical malpractice laws

Ensure there is an element of neglect to support your medical malpractice claims

The person who administered the medical treatment must have had duty of care to you, and there must be enough evidence that the breach of that duty of care led to injuries on the victim. Also, the breach must have had direct harm on you. Most medical malpractice cases involve the following:

  • Misdiagnoses: This medical malpractice happens when a certified health professional makes diagnostic errors and causes injuries to the patient. Victims of misdiagnoses end up with more severe symptoms since they do not get treated for the condition they are suffering from. Sometimes, this medical malpractice case could lead to permanent disability or wrongful death, as is the case with cancer. If you do not get diagnosed in time, the disease will advance to the next more severe stage, and in the end, kill you prematurely. Misdiagnoses may not lead to paralysis or death, but you will spend more money getting extra diagnostics and medication. You may have to spend more time away from work and lose income.
  • Delayed diagnoses: Delayed diagnosis also affects your wages, time, and injury severity. We can help you get damages for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, permanent disability and wrongful death caused by delayed diagnoses.
  • Surgical errors: If you go for a surgery and suffer more injuries and complications due to the surgeon’s negligence. These errors involve leaving foreign objects such as scalpel inside the patient’s body, operating the wrong site, unnecessary operation, anesthesia errors, nerve damage and other emergency room errors. Surgical errors are often caused by medical negligence and could lead to unnecessary bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. If you have been a victim of surgical errors, call a malpractice lawyer to help you sue for damages.
  • Faulty medical devices: Defective medical devices can cause serious harm to patients. These devices include pacemakers, prosthetics, implants, defibrillators, stents, and surgical tools. Only an experienced medical malpractice attorney can help you prove your case and win compensation for injuries caused by defective medical devices.
  • Birth injuries: Negligence during childbirth can cause severe injuries on the child, the mother or both. Injuries and wrongful death during childbirth are caused by delayed C-section, improper use of tools, poor monitoring of the child during labor among others. Birth injuries are responsible for injuries such as cerebral palsy and Erb’s palsy. Contact a medical malpractice lawyer for a free case evaluation.
  • Prescription drug errors: A health professional can give you the wrong medicine for your condition, underdose or overdose you due to medical negligence. It is also possible to get expired medication from a healthcare provider or pharmacy, or experience severe side effects from prescription medicine. If taking such medicine as prescribed causes your symptoms to escalate, death or prevents you from going to work, you can sue for damages. A medical malpractice lawyer will help you determine who is liable and the damages you are legally entitled to.

Keep your medical records safe

Medical malpractice lawsuits, like other cases, require sufficient evidence to prove. Since a medical malpractice lawsuit could involve many healthcare providers such as the medical device manufacturer, prescription drug manufacturer, nurse, surgeon, and midwife, you need proper medical records to prove liability. Medical records show that you received medical care in that particular health center, got prescription medicine from the center in question, and even show the exact person responsible for the medical negligence. If your records are intact, you may contact medical malpractice lawyers in Pittsburgh for legal representation.

Ensure you have your certificate of merit

The moment you discover you are a victim of medical malpractice, you need to file a complaint immediately to support your claim. If in Pittsburgh, you will be issued a Certificate of Merit after filing this case. This certificate proves the element of neglect from a medical expert. Call our Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawyers for a free consultation for assistance.

Ensure the case has a reasonable settlement

The compensation you get from your medical negligence case depends on the severity of the injuries sustained. Damages include bodily injuries, trauma, pain and suffering, wrongful death, permanent disability, and lost wages. Pennsylvania does not have a cap on how much compensation you should get from medical malpractice cases, so working with experienced medical malpractice attorneys can give you maximum compensation for your injuries.

Medical procedure was done by a certified physician at a licensed facility

To win a medical malpractice suit, your injuries must have been caused by medical experts in a licensed and certified healthcare center. You must prove that the medical provider had enough knowledge in the subject matter and made errors that caused you the personal injury out of negligence. The plaintiff must also have been directly responsible for your wellbeing. Therefore, it is essential to always seek medical help from a licensed medical provider. If the doctors are not liable, the facility can take liability for the hospital errors that caused your injuries.

Want to win your medical malpractice cases? Hire experienced Pittsburgh medical malpractice attorneys

J.P. Ward & Associates LLC is a law firm based in Pittsburgh, PA, specializing in medical malpractice, product liability, employment law, family law, and property law, among others. Our experienced lawyers will help you recover compensation for injuries, lost wages, and wrongful death caused by doctor misdiagnoses, prescription errors, surgical mistakes, hospital errors and other forms of medical negligence. Call (412)426-4878 for a free case review in Pittsburgh PA and the surrounding areas.